Timetable for Treatments & Weekend opening times
Pre-booking is essential
We do not provide a walk-in service, pre-booking is essential through our online booking system or on 07749 224 262. Please leave a message should we not answer the phone immediately, our admin support staff have different working hours (11.00-18.00 mon-fri) from the massage therapists – and they are also doing the laundry and lots of other ‘behind the scenes’ things, so they might just be pre-occupied with that! Please leave your name and number and we will get back to you asap – you can see our availability here.
Our therapists take it in turns to work on Saturdays or Sundays, so there are various treatments available, depending on the therapist. Deep tissue massage, therapeutic massage and pre-/postnatal massage are always available. The weekend is also popular for partner massage (couples massage)!
Opening times:
We are closed Tuesday 31 December 2024 and Wednesday 1 January 2025
Monday: 09.30-20.30 (bank holidays: 09.30-16.00)
Tuesday: 09.30-20.30
Wednesday: 09.30-20.30
Thursday: 09.30-20.30
Friday: 09.45-20.30
Saturday: 10.00-20.30
Sunday: 10.00-16.00
Times can change so please check our online booking system for availability, or call us.